
Thursday 3 December 2015


  1. TimWalkerPhotography - (Tim Walker Research):
  2. Wikipedia - (Tim Walker Research):
  3. Wikipedia - (Retouching):
  4. Daily Mail - (Retouching):
  5. Wild Beauty World - (Retouching):
  6. Metro - (Nathalie Croquet spoof):
  7. I-D - (Nathalie Croquet spoof):
  8. Bored Panda - (Nathalie Croquet spoof):
  9. 7 Photographs That Changed Fashion (2009)
  10. Wikipedia - (7 Photographs):
  11. Biography - (7 Photographs):
  12. Wikipedia - (7 Photographs):
  13. Fashion Telegraph - (7 Photographs):
  14. Wikipedia - (7 Photographs):
  15. Wikipedia - (7 Photographs):
  16. Wikipedia - (7 Photographs):
  17. Wikipedia - (7 Photographs):
  18. Wikipedia - (7 Photographs):


    I have really enjoy our digital image sessions and I felt I have learnt a gained a great deal of knowledge on photography, lighting, general camera settings, and equipment compared to when I first started this year I wasn’t as confident with a camera at all and now I feel I could produce decent images and be proud of them. However the only think I’d change is the make-up I did for the shoot, I wish I had more drama on the eyelashes and more definition with the eyeshadow as with the lighting the eyeshadow didn’t show up as much as I’d of liked.
    When it came down to finding inspiration and researching photographers I watched ‘7 Photographs That Changed Fashion’ and took it upon myself to research the featured photographers mentioned. This really helped me figure out what kind of photography style I like, as each photographer had a different style and mood about their work which then lead me to research other photographers work such as my favourite photographer Tim Walker and Nathalie Croquets 'SPOOF' Series. 
    After learning about different photographers we was then taught about post production and how this has effect on todays society, fashion and make-up industry. With post production I found quite easy as I had previously learnt some tricks in earlier education so I knew the basic editing, but it was also helpful to learn some more techniques that can help make your image look better but not in an over edited way.
    Shooting my final images was quite nerve racking at first as I wanted them to turn out as good as I could get them, but once I had got the equipment set up and working I was quite relaxed when directing my model and telling them how to pose and move their face and body. When shooting as well I didn’t just stop after a few images, I made sure I had a few back ups incase when it came to post production they didn’t meet my expectations in what I wanted for my final images and I also made sure I had variety in my poses and composition. Overall I’m very pleased with how my final images turned out and thought both my models did such a good job in giving me what I wanted for this project.

Final Images: Black And White Beauty

    These are my final three black and white images that I took in the same studio space as my colour beauty images using a soft box. Again, the same with my colour images I'm very proud of these images as at the start of this year I wouldn't of been able to achieve this type of photography and I like to think I've grown from these lessons and learnt so much in terms of photography.
    In post production I did the very minimum like the beauty images as I felt like they didn't need to be retouched too much, however I did spot treat the skin and got rid or faded some fine lines on the face to the overall images look softer.

Final Images: Colour Beauty

    These are my three final colour beauty images that I shot in the studio a couple of weeks ago. To start off, I'm very proud of these and my black and white images as at the start of this year I could never of worked in a studio and known what had to be done to get a decent picture and I'd like to think I've produced six good images that show how much I've learnt over the past three months.
    For these images I used two studio lights to light up the background on a very high power setting to make sure I got that soft, glowing effect which is what I wanted to create with these images, and also used a soft box to the right side of the model to set off the background lights. What I also found when taking these images is that this set up can really emphasise and bring out colours, which after looking at the images in post production I learned to really like this effect.
    In post production all I really did was change the contrast and brightness to really bring out the colours in the images. To finish off I took the blemish tool and spot treated the skin where ever she needed it, and used the burn tool to hide the fine lines under the eyes.

Thursday 19 November 2015

Mood Board

    For my digital image colour shoot I wanted my key colour to be red as my chosen model has red hair and I wanted that to be the main focus of the images, so for this mood board I took some images from the internet that related to some of the poses that I used in my final images and also looked at different types of lighting, poses and composition of the actual image. As you'll be able to see I tried to find images that had a red theme or had an element of red in the image, even if it was just lipstick or the hair colour, as for poses I tried to look for images that was from the shoulders up or close ups of the face and neck.
   As for the make-up that I used on the shoot on both my male and female models I wanted it to be very light make-up as if they wasn't wearing anything at all which is also what I tried to find in finding images for my mood board, this was the main focus especially for the male model as there isn't anything worse than being able to tell that a man is wearing tones and make-up in a beauty shoot.

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Some Of My Beauty Shoot Outtakes!

    These are some of the final images from my beauty shoot! Although I didn't end up picking these images to show for my final submission, I am happy with them on how they turned out and how I decided to use the lighting for both my models and worked around what suited them better, apposed to just lighting them in different ways just because I had to. When it came to the editing portion of the shoot I didn't want to do crazy retouching and make their skin super smooth or 100% perfected as that isn't beauty in my eyes, I wanted you to be able to see the fine lines under the eyes and maybe some uneven skin showing though as it brings life into images of people. After doing hardly any retouching on the skin I then moved to brightness and contrast of the images, I wanted you to see definite contrast between shadows and highlights on the face and background and for the colour, for the red hair which was my chosen colour to really pop and be as bright as possible which the lighting I chose to do on her really enhanced her hair and eye colour.

Lighting Diagrams For My Final Beauty Images

These two diagrams will be the layout of my lighting set up that I plan to use for my two beauty shoots on my male and female model. The first diagram will be used on my male model as I wanted to keep the lighting more harsh as on males harsh lighting can look more flattering compared to if it was a female modelling in the same shoot, and to create this I'll either use a beauty dish or a soft box to create these effects I'm after. For my second diagram I wanted to recreate some images that was taken a few weeks ago where we lit up the background which makes images seem more softer and angelic, which I think will go perfectly with my model of choice as she has quite soft features so her face paired with this lighting with really make the image pop. For this lighting also I will probably have the power on the highest setting which will also make the background more exposed and creates that soft faded effect which is something I really enjoy on female models as it can bring out eye, hair, or lip colours and make them more intense.